Photo by Nicolas Gras on Unsplash
With an estimated value of $178 billion in 2021 and projected to rise to almost $270 billion by 2025, there’s no denying that the video game industry is huge.
But, to date, it seems to have been almost totally dominated by men. From the players who enjoy it, to the executives who run the big games company, it has been a boy’s club.
This has also meant that often the depiction of women in games has been that of subsidiary characters, far from being central to the action. Even one of the most iconic of action characters, Lara Croft was obviously designed and created as a result of the male gaze.
But in recent years things have started to head in the right direction. More and more women are starting to play and with female execs managing to break through the glass ceiling just as they have in other sectors even the games themselves are becoming more female-friendly.
In 2020 in the United States, it was estimated that 40% of gamers were female and in Asia, this figure is reported to be even higher, up to 45%.
What drives female gamers?
Photo by Alexander Jawfox on Unsplash
It could be time to put our stereotypical image of the typical gamer to rest forever. It seems that the lone male playing COD or GTA alone in a darkened room with only empty takeaway pizza boxes as company may be a dwindling stereotypical phenomenon.
When it comes to female gamers it’s also almost impossible to pigeon-hole them in the same way. That’s because they have a wide range of different motivations that seem to vary from region to region.
With female gamers on the rise, many studies have shown that females from different cultures play games for different reasons. In France, the typical female gamer is looking for competition and to challenge herself. Meanwhile, her male counterparts see gaming as an effective way to cope with stress and achieve status. In Taiwan, as well as in the US, female gamers play for social reasons as well as to attain a sense of achievement. For the opposite sex, however, it’s simply seen as a way to pass the time.
Other key differences can be found in the games that are played and the devices that are used to play them. Female gamers tend to both enjoy a wide range of genres and to play them across many devices. This is in contrast to the more console-based gaming that male players seem to prefer.
The rise of the YouTube super gamers
Photo by ThisisEngineering RAEng on Unsplash
One of the very best places to find the best of the best female gamers is on YouTube where a number of superstars have emerged.
A prime example is YOGSCAST Hannah; with more than 1.3 million followers and rising, her YouTube channel includes commentaries of play examples of games including Minecraft, Assassin’s Creed, and Arkham Knight. She also goes to great lengths to introduce other, lower profile, games to her audience.
Then there’s RPGMinx, another female gamer who concentrates more on horror titles like Five Nights at Freddy’s, Salem, and Lucius. This is definitely a gamer to follow for those who like a darker and more edgy experience.
Finally, there’s Fangs, the self-proclaimed “Queen of FIFA” whose soccer-related videos have received over 150 million views with the most popular being a match against fellow gamer KSI.
Poker’s on the table too
Online poker is another traditionally male dominated game that has seen a huge surge in the number of women starting to play. In fact, the fastest growth in real money poker players of the last few years has been predominantly female.
One of the key reasons for this has been that it’s a game that has never seemed particularly welcoming to women. There’s the image of men gathered round a table, drinking whiskey and barely exchanging a word as they play. But online poker doesn’t need physical interaction and also provides a safe space in which to learn the rules.
Online poker doesn’t put a focus on gender and that’s not to say that any woman should feel the need to hide their femininity to succeed at poker as numerous very successful pros have shown.
Number one amongst these is undoubtedly Vanessa Selbst who has notched up career earnings of almost $12 million as well as winning three WSOP bracelets – the poker equivalent of an Oscar or an Olympic gold medal.
Jennifer Harman has won two bracelets and countless tournaments; she manages to combine playing with being a mother of two. With role models like these, it’s no surprise that more and more women are asking to be dealt in.
Breaking through at the top
With an increasing number of women starting to break through and achieve board-level status in major gaming companies, there are now many women in gaming that you should know about.
For example, Amber Dalton has risen to be a senior director at Twitch as well as establishing an organization to promote the interests of women in gaming called PMS Clan.
After years of writing and programming games for Nintendo and Electronic Arts, Amy Hennig has recently been appointed President of New Media at Skydance with a brief to open a new games studio.
With this kind of momentum building, the future of gaming is starting to look like it’s going to be decidedly female – and not a moment too soon.